the archive in-out center about
bruno bussmann
Begegnung, Mauer

Invitation Bruno Bussmann Begegnung Mauer, august 20 - september 2, 1974, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Begegnung, Mauer

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer
Versuch den Kopf hoch zu halten, auch wenn das Herz brennt (Attempt to keep the head up even when the heart burns), 1974, photo on canvas, 80 x 65cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann
Begegnung, Mauer

Langer Weg zum Einssein (Hill for Holland), 1971, photo on canvas, 90 x 72cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann 

Begegnung, Mauer

Lebenslinie (Lifeline), 1972, photos on one sheet of photocanvas, 123 x 16.5 cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer

Begegnung (Encounter), 1974, photo on photocanvas, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Begegnung, Mauer

Die Mauer (The wall), 1974, photoseries on paper, 60 x 49 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann 

Begegnung, Mauer

Holz für Morgen (Wood for Tomorrow), 1971-2, photos on paper, coll. Bruno Bussmann. The works was made in Fignal, the home gallery of Hreinn Fridfinnson

Photos taken after the following activities in the room: 

- deeply inhale and exhale and sleeping

- eating bread and drinking wine

- reading: Holz für Morgen

- deeply inhale and exhale and sleeping