Invitation Bruno Bussmann Begegnung Mauer, august 20 - september 2, 1974, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Smoking/ the image and borders of representation. Smoking different tobaccos: Grünband, Heerenbaj, Rode Ster, 1973, photo on canvas, 57 x 30 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Versuch den Kopf hoch zu halten, auch wenn das Herz brennt (Attempt to keep the head up even when the heart burns), 1974, photo on canvas, 80 x 65cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Langer Weg zum Einssein (Hill for Holland), 1971, photo on canvas, 90 x 72cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Lebenslinie (Lifeline), 1972, photos on one sheet of photocanvas, 123 x 16.5 cm, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Die Mauer (The wall), 1974, photoseries on paper, 60 x 49 cm each, coll. Bruno Bussmann

Holz für Morgen (Wood for Tomorrow), 1971-2, photos on paper, coll. Bruno Bussmann. The works was made in Fignal, the home gallery of Hreinn Fridfinnson
Photos taken after the following activities in the room:
- deeply inhale and exhale and sleeping
- eating bread and drinking wine
- reading: Holz für Morgen
- deeply inhale and exhale and sleeping