Cover of pamphlet by Zoo Kunst shown at their In-Out Center exhibition April 9 - 14 1974. No invite of the show has been found but the title seems to have been 'I had loads of ideas but nothing came of them but this'

Exterior of In- Out Center during the exhibition of Zoo Kunst. The title of the show can be seen on a banner attached to the balustrade: 'I had loads of ideas but nothing came of them but this'
Tomas Gudmundsson hanging onto balustrade, photo Charles Garrad
John Danvers, Charles Garrad and Ken Hickman of Zoo Kunst, formerly known as Anti Bodies, photo John Danvers

Performer hiding, Zoo Kunst performance taking place in front of In-Out Center along the canal (Reguliersgracht), photo Charles Garrad

Performer hiding, performance involving a cloth, blackboard and a person, photo Charles Garrad

Charles Garrad, books laid out and performance scores stuck to the wall with tape (see Scores), photo Charles Garrad

Ken Hickman sitting next to his works in In-Out Center (being bombarded with biscuits while counting money), photo John Danvers

Charles Garrad, series of 14 performance scores stuck to the wall with tape, photo Charles Garrad

Running across the road at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Charles Garrad in front, Ken Hickman in white shoes, Suzie Peters