In-Out Productions, silkscreen on coloured paper, 42 x 52 cm, printed at Jan van Eyck Academy Maastricht november 1972, coll. Raul Marroquin

Equipo Movimiento, flyer announcing In-Out Center and In-Out Productions events (1 of 3 pages), November 1972, coll. Raul Marroquin

Equipo Movimiento, flyer announcing In-Out Center and In-Out Productions events (2 of 3 pages), November 1972, coll. Raul Marroquin

Equipo Movimiento, flyer announcing In-Out Center and In-Out Productions events (3 of 3 pages), November 1972, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, text about opening performance 'Change of Dimension', coll. Raul Marroquin

In-Out Bulletin No. 2, January 24 1973, Equipo Movimiento and In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin. Announcement of In-Out Center's participation in the celebration of Filliou's Birthday of Art

In-Out Bulletin No. 2, January 24 1973, Equipo Movimiento and In-Out Productions, front page, coll. Raul Marroquin

Letter to Robert Filliou at Neue Galerie Aachen about In-Out Center's participation in the celebration of Art's Birthday, Arte Y Parte No.122, April-May 2016, p.38

Invitation solo show Equipo Movimiento april 1973, Coll. Lily van Ginneken

In-Out Productions poster Documentation of Reality, april 1973, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, Documentation of reality; reality 1 and 2, 1972, collage photos and fluorescent paint on coloured paper, 70 x 100 cm, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, Documentation of Reality; the Robbery, 1972, collage and ink on colored paper, 70 x 100 cm, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, Documentation of alteration of realities; the door of the church in Verona, 1972, photos on coloured paper, 100 x 70 cm, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, The door of the church of Verona (a), 1972, black and white photograph, size, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, The door of the church of Verona (b), 1972, black and white photograph, size, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, Ways of Communication; Conversation, a walk in the park in Maastricht, 1972, 100 x 70 cm, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (star), 1972, collage on pink paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (2 stars), 1972, collage on pink paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (cloud), 1972, collage on blue paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (raindrops), 1972, collage on blue paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (wave), 1972, collage on blue paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, untitled (cut outs), 1972, collage on brown paper, 70 x 100 cm, stamped In-Out Productions, coll. Raul Marroquin
cut outs used in edition In-Out Productions more info soon

Raul Marroquin, Bizarre editions(information edition), 1972, copyright In-Out Center, series of 6 edition of 10, coll. Raul Marroquin

Introduction to the formation of Equipo Movimiento (1972) and the book showing their projects, documentation and realities, coll. Raul Marroquin

Raul Marroquin, Documento Original, Maastricht 1972, 32 x 24 cm, 32 pages, unique documentation of E.M. projects, includes photographs stapled to the pages
look inside

Invitation groupshow june 11- 30 1973, with handwritten text by Hetty Huisman, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Letter august 22 1973 from Raul Marroquin to Hreinn Fridfinnsson asking if The Dream, which was shown in In-Out Center, can be published in his new magazine

Vandangos 1, december 1973, ed. Raul Marroquin, Marjo Schumans, Anton Verhoeven, Theo van de Aa, Ger van Dijck, published by Agora & Jan van Eyck Academy Maastricht, 122 x 86 cm

invitation Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, December 17- 28 1973, coll. Sef Peeters

frontside of invitation Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, December 17- 28 1973, coll. Sef Peeters
recycled invitation card of performance in De Lantaren, Rotterdam 1972

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Raul Marroquin

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Raul Marroquin, Jorgos Chronis

Exhibition view. Seen here Body Monuments Inc, 25 may 1973, collage of black and white pictures of performance at Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, 110 x 70 cm, framed, photo Jorgos Chronis

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Raul Marroquin

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Raul Marroquin, Marjo Schumans

A reconstruction of Rodin's The thinker, 3 september 1973, 100 x 70 cm, includes one typed and stamped A4 sheet with text, 1 poster 20 x 40 cm printed at Beau Geste Press, Devon, project in collaboration with E.M., Agora, Jan van Eyck and In Out Center, coll. Raul Marroquin
Poster announces the recreation took place at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Performance pictures by Raul Marroquin and Felipe Ehrenberg, assisted by Marjo Schumans and Martha Hellion

A reconstruction of Rodin's The thinker, 1973, 20 x 40 cm, poster printed at Beau Geste Press, Devon, project in collaboration with Beau Geste Press, E.M., Agora, Jan van Eyck and In Out Center, coll. Raul Marroquin
Poster announces the reconstruction took place at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Performance pictures by Raul Marroquin and Felipe Ehrenberg, assisted by Marjo Schumans and Martha Hellion

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Raul Marroquin

The cardplayers of Equipo Movimiento, november 15 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, stamped In-Out Productions/ E.M., silkscreen edition of 25, A/P, coll. Raul Marroquin

Mona Lisa of Equipo Movimiento, november 15 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, stamped In-Out Productions/ E.M., silkscreen edition of 25, 4/25, coll. Raul Marroquin

The reconstruction of van gogh's self-portrait, 25 may 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, stamped In-Out Productions/ E.M. and life performed action, silkscreen edition of 30, 27/30, coll. Raul Marroquin

Transformation of the environment in Liege, 9 december 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, 53 x 28 cm, stamped ao In-Out Productions, life performed action, edition of 20, AP, coll. Raul Marroquin

Construction and deconstruction of a greek sculpture, 30 september 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, stamped In-Out Productions/ E.M. and life performed action, silkscreen edition of 20, 4/20, coll. Raul Marroquin

Time sculpture of Liege, 10 december 1972, Silkscreen print with rubberstamps, title handwritten in pencil, stamped In-Out Productions/ E.M. and life performed action, silkscreen edition of 20, A/P, coll. Raul Marroquin

Installation exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Raul Marroquin

Exhibition view. Seen here 6 works of the series Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, 1972, newsprint collage, hand stamped, handwritten, rubberstamped wood and glass glass taped to wooden block. 12 x 33 x 2 cm each (glass taped to wooden block), stamped In-Out Productions and E.M, photo Jorgos Chronis

Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, Transformation of Rod Summers, 25 december 1972, newsprint collage, hand stamped, handwritten, rubberstamped wood and glass glass taped to wooden block. 12 x 33 x 2 cm (glass taped to wooden block), stamped In-Out Productions and E.M, coll. Rod Summers

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Jorgos Chronis and Adrienne Kleiweg

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Aart van Barneveld, Raul Marroquin

Exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Raul Marroquin

Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, Reconstruction of an environment and painting of D' Chirico, 11 april 1972, black and white pictures on coloured paper, stamped In-Out Productions and E.M, coll. Jorgos Chronis

Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, How dutch painters found out the still life, Florence, 1972, black and white pictures on coloured paper, stamped In-Out Productions and E.M, coll. Jorgos Chronis

Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, Florence Spring, 14 april 1972, black and white pictures on coloured paper, stamped In-Out Productions and E.M, coll. Raul Marroquin

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Aart van Barneveld, Jorgos Chronis, Raul Marroquin

Exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento in In-Out Center, photo Jorgos Chronis
Marjo Schumans, Jorgos Chronis, Raul Marroquin

Construction and deconstruction of a greek sculpture, 30 september 1972, black and white pictures on cardboard, hand stamped, handwritten, rubberstamped, stamped In-Out Productions and E.M,Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, coll. Jorgos Chronis

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Hreinn Fridfinsson, Kristjan Gudmundsson, Aart van Barneveld, Raul Marroquin, Marjo Schumans, Ivar Gudmundsson

Open reel with various videos Paintings, sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, Raul Marroquin, coll. Raul Marroquin

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
John Liggins, Jorgos Chronis, Marjo Schumans, Raul Marroquin

Fandangos 2, January 1974, ed. Raul Marroquin, Marjo Schumans, Theo van de Aa, Ger van Dijck, published by Agora & Jan van Eyck Academy Maastricht, 80 x 110 cm
announcement Mijn Galerietje The smallest gallery in the world

Raul Marroquin, Parties; It was at one party that our love began..., 1974, collage on paper, handwritten text, signed, 36.5 x 21 cm (framed), coll. Corinne Groot

Raul Marroquin, Parties; at many of the parties I have attended they asked us to pose for photographs to commemorate the event, 1974, collage on paper, handwritten text, signed, framed, coll. Michiel van den Bergh

Raul Marroquin, Parties; When I saw this picture, 1974, collage on paper, handwritten text, signed, 51.5 x 36.5 cm (framed), coll. Raul Marroquin