installation of groupshow, with g.j. de rook, Ulises Carrion, Hetty Huisman and Pieter L. Mol, coll. Pieter L. Mol
In the background works by Kristjan Gudmundsson and Ulises Carrion

Kristjan Gudmundsson, Painting of the Specific Gravity of the Planet Earth, 1972-1973, Acrylic on metal, 507,33 gr/91,760 mm3, courtesy i8 Gallery Reykjavic, Iceland

Kristján Gudmundsson, Supersonic Drawing, 1972, 50 x 50 cm, series of 3 unique drawings by rifle shot, burnt gunpowder on heavy paper, photo Kees van Gelder
'A feeling for the mathematically sublime is present in Supersonic Drawing (1972), made by shooting a bullet from a rifle across the face of a sheet of paper. It took the bullet 1/1500 of a second to cross the sheet from one edge to another leaving a thin trace of singed paper and gunpowder, in what Kristján has called 'an unspeakably beautiful, brief period of time.' Never in the history of art has a drawing been completed in less time.’
Gunnar Arnason in Drawing Lessons from Time, frieze june 6 1994

Kristján Gudmundsson, Supersonic Drawing no.3, 1972, 50 x 50 cm, series of 3 unique drawings by rifle shot, burnt gunpowder, paper, photo from publication Kristjan Gudmundsson Mal og menning Listasafn Reykjavic 2001

Kristján Gudmundsson, Punktar/ Periods, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Punktar/ Periods, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Punktar/ Periods, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Punktar/ Periods, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Punktar/ Periods, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Nidur / Down, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1972, 26,4 x 27,2 x 2,2 cm, bookobject, 150 numbered and signed copies, photo Kees van Gelder

Kristján Gudmundsson, Or, Beau Geste Press, Devon, 1973, 12 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies, coll. Otis Library's Artists' Books (11/100)

Kristján Gudmundsson, Or, Beau Geste Press, Devon, 1973, 12 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Or, Beau Geste Press, Devon, 1973, 12 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Or, Beau Geste Press, Devon, 1973, 12 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Or, Beau Geste Press, Devon, 1973, 12 pages, 100 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristján Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Kristjan Gudmundsson, Eda, Silver Press, Reykjavik, Amsterdam, 1973, 18 x 15 cm, 10 pages, 300 numbered and signed copies

Press release by Stedelijk Museum for Kristján Gudmundsson's solo exhibition december 1 1973- january 13 1974. Several of these works were shown at the In-Out Center show in may 1973 such as the Supersonic Drawings and the books (except for Circles which was made in conjunction with the Stedelijk show)

List of works (page 1 of 2) presented in Kristján Gudmundsson's solo exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum december 1 1973- january 13 1974. Some of the works presented were shown at the In-Out Center show in may 1973 such as the Supersonic Drawings and the books (except for Circles which was made in conjunction with the Stedelijk show)

List of works (page 2 of 2) presented in Kristján Gudmundsson's solo exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum december 1 1973- january 13 1974. Some of the works presented were shown at the In-Out Center show in may 1973 such as the Supersonic Drawings and the books (except for Circles which was made in conjunction with the Stedelijk show)

Invitation groupshow june 11- 30 1973, with handwritten text by Hetty Huisman, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Hreinn Fridfinsson, Kristjan Gudmundsson, Aart van Barneveld, Raul Marroquin, Marjo Schumans, Ivar Gudmundsson

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Krstjan Gudmundsson (with salted fish on newspaper), Aart van Barneveld

Gathering in In-Out Center during exhibition Paintings, Sculptures etc. of Equipo Movimiento, photo Jorgos Chronis
Hreinn Fridfinsson, Kristjan Gudmundsson

Binder with the documentation of Mijn Galerietje, shown: Kristjan and Ivar Gudmundsson's contribution, coll. Sylvia van Berkel
The complete binder can be flipped thru

Invitation Kristjan Gudmundsson Equal - Time Lines, october 15 - 26 1974, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Kristjan Gudmundsson, 6 x 7 Equal Time Lines, 1974, ink on blotting paper, three times 30 x 30 cm, courtesy i8 gallery, Reyjavik, Iceland

Kristjan Gudmundsson, 6 x 15 Equal-Time Lines, 1974, three times 30 x 30 cm, ink on blotting paper, image from publication Kristjan Gudmundsson Mal og menning, Listasafn Reykjavic 2001

Kristjan Gudmundsson equal time lines, 1974, information coming soon, coll. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Kristjan Gudmundsson, 6 x 9 Equal Time Lines (a b c), 1974, three times 46 x 46 cm, ink on blotting paper, framed in perspex, coll. artist. The works were originally shown at In-Out Center and became part of the BKR collection in 1975. The works were returned in 2016 but incomplete (only 2 of the 3 parts remain)

Backside of Kristjan Gudmundsson, 6 x 9 Equal Time Lines (a b c), 1974, three times 46 x 46 cm, ink on blotting paper, framed in perspex, coll. artist. The works were originally shown at In-Out Center and became part of the BKR collection in 1975. The works were returned in 2016 but incomplete (only 2 of the 3 parts remain)