installation of groupshow, with g.j. de rook, Ulises Carrion, Hetty Huisman and Pieter L. Mol, coll. Pieter L. Mol
In the background works by Kristjan Gudmundsson and Ulises Carrion

Opening of exhibition april 15 1973, photographer unknown, coll. Arjen Klunder
g.j. de rook and Michel Cardena

Invitation groupshow june 11- 30 1973, with handwritten text by Hetty Huisman, coll. Lily van Ginneken

today ends yesterday, today starts tomorrow, stamped text and pencil on paper, coll. g.j. de rook

wat de tijd met mijn gezicht gedaan heeft, what time did to my face, collage, pencil on paper, coll. g.j. de rook

Totaal, published by Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, with contribution Time Pieces by g.j. de rook, coll. Tineke Reijnders

Totaal, published by Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, with contribution Time Pieces by g.j. de rook, coll. Tineke Reijnders

Totaal, published by Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, with contribution Time Pieces by g.j. de rook, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 114-115, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 116-117, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 118-119, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 120-121, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 122-124, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.J. de Rook, Time pieces, Totaal, p. 125-126, Bert Bakker Amsterdam 1976, coll. Tineke Reijnders

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.j. de rook, Life, xeroxed mini book, 10.5 x 7.5 cm, 12 pages, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1973, coll. Michael Gibbs Archive

G.J. de Rook, Poemcards Cardpoems, published may 1973, offset, 55 playing cards in a packet, 9 x 6.2 cm, edition of 40 signed and numbered, distributed by Beau Geste Press, Devon

Poemcards Cardpoems, published may 1973, offset, 55 playing cards in a packet, 9 x 6.2 cm, edition of 40 signed and numbered, distributed by Beau Geste Press, Devon

Poemcards Cardpoems, published may 1973, offset, 55 playing cards in a packet, 9 x 6.2 cm, edition of 40 signed and numbered, distributed by Beau Geste Press, Devon

Poemcards Cardpoems announced in Beau Geste Press catalogue 1973- 1974, coll. G.j. de Rook

invitation g.j. de rook, failure pieces, november 12 - 23 1974, coll. Lily van Ginneken

Failure Pieces: unanswered letters 1-2-1974 / 1-11-1974, 1974, mixed media, wood, letters, sticker with handwritten text, 30 x 30 x 15 cm, coll. g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: unanswered letters 1-2-1974 / 1-11-1974, 1974, mixed media, wood, letters, sticker with handwritten text, 30 x 30 x 15 cm, coll. g.j. de rook

Exhibition view Failure pieces in In-Out Center november 12 - 23 1974, photo g.j. de rook

Exhibition view Failure pieces in In-Out Center november 12 - 23 1974, photo g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: There are periods that I eat a bag of these a day, 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: I stole this record a long time ago in a bookshop in a., 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: d.m. once asked me: why do you have your nails so long, isn't that very unpractical? I thought about it, what I think to be the reason is in this envelope, 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: This is the colophon of a book by U.C. which I wanted to publish still I have the cover to be printed, 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

Failure Pieces: This envelope contained a work of art of j.v. which he sent me to be published. I lost it, 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

G.j. de rook, Days, xeroxed mini book, 12 x 9 cm, edition unknown, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

G.j. de rook, Days, xeroxed mini book, 12 x 9 cm, edition unknown, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

G.j. de rook, Days, xeroxed mini book, 12 x 9 cm, edition unknown, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

G.j. de rook, Days, xeroxed mini book, 12 x 9 cm, edition unknown, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1974, coll. g.j. de rook

G.j. de rook, Days, xeroxed mini book, 12 x 9 cm, edition unknown, published by In-Out Productions Amsterdam 1974, coll. g.j. de rook